Our Mission

Reaching highest level of academic benchmarks, enable critical thinking, and producing technologically advanced members of society in a safe and healthy environment

Our Vision:

At Maple Ridge School we promise to provide quality education to students from all backgrounds. Our school is dedicated to nurturing the intellectual and personal growth of every student. With a focus on academic excellence and character development, our experienced faculty and staff work together to create a challenging and supportive learning environment. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the 21st-century learner, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our campus is equipped with latest technology and resources to enhance the student experience. We believe in providing a well-rounded education and offer a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and community service. We are committed to preparing our students for success in college and beyond. Join us as we strive to be one of the best schools in the country!

CEO's Message

This is a very proud moment for me and I feel really happy to bring to you the Maple Ridge School (MRS) which is my dream project.

I started my career with Saudi Aramco in 2014 but I always wanted to “become my own boss” and after some struggle, went on to make my own Sahara Construction in the year 2017s which is an international company. In the year 2022, I started another company with name of Sahara Digital which provides digital marketing services locally and internationally.

The achievements at a young age made me realize that true satisfaction doesn’t come until you give back to the community specifically and the world at large. And what’s better than to start with a school, keeping in mind that good education is still a rarity in our country and what’s rarer is a safe, developmentally appropriate and nurturing environment. Also, MRS will be a means of creating more job opportunities in the market.

I present MRS to you and it was made possible by the efforts of young visionaries who are enthusiastic to make a change on the educational landscape. We are beginning with Pre School and will have classes to grade 2 (age group 3 to 7) for this year and we plan to take it up to grade 5 in the next year.

We are proud to deliver a safe, caring, clean and a sensory rich environment which apart from delivering the basic instruction will work on developing the 21 st century skills. We have made provisions to give an enriched environment where children will learn by doing. A lot of focus will be on physical and mental development because with the increasing pace of change all over the world, we need to develop individuals who can deal with change without stress and become lifelong independent learners.

~ Muhammad Yaseen

Project Director's Message

I feel immensely pleased and honored to announce the Maple Ridge project, which we promise to be the “Dawn of a New Day” for this city of schools.

Having worked for the leading private schools in Pakistan for over 17 years in the capacity of School Head and as a teacher too, I am deeply committed to ensuring students are given every opportunity to experience exceptional learning opportunities in enabling environments – safe, happy, challenged and successful. Students, staff and parents feeling proud of their efforts and achievements are key drivers for me professionally. Inspiring others to drive forward to reach their goals, never giving up when faced with challenge, is for me what lifelong learning and education are all about.

Maple Ridge Project is the brain child of some young, energetic, successful, creative and visionary set of people who believe in giving back to the community. Keeping the fact in mind that 22.8 million children in Pakistan are still out of school, we want to give masses an affordable access to a school that is focused on developing the 21st century skills and keeps abreast with the changing times as well.

Our main guideline is the Single National Curriculum (SNC) and we are building upon it to stay relevant with the pace of change in the current times. With technology becoming the center of every market, the concept of learning has completely changed and may continue to change forever. Maple Ridge School (MRS) , comprehending the need of the present times , emphasizes not only on the curriculum design but also on modern pedagogy.

With the kind of vision, research and expertise the MRS team has, I am sure we shall be adding immense value to the already existing educational culture and truly become “Dawn of a New Day” in this sector.

~ Aaisha Awais

Admission Procedure

Admission for the new academic year commences in the month of February. Children registering for the Academic Session 2022-23 will have to be 3+ years old by February 28. For all other grades, admission is granted on the basis of an interaction/assessment.

At the time of admission, students must present the following documents:

Admission Form

Complete Admission Form

Form B

Copy of the student’s Birth Certificate or form ‘B’

Parents CNIC

3 Passport Size Photo

Transfer/Leaving Certificate

Original Transfer Certificate or School Leaving Certificate.

3 Passport Size Photo

3 passport size photos of the student


Photocopy of student’s original mark sheet from the last examination passed in the previous school

Medical Certificate

Medical Certificate from a Doctor, declaring the health status of the student

Admission Form

Click here to download form

Our Events

Recurring Events Happens In School

Mother Day

Students can participate in various sports and games, and engage in friendly competition with their peers. This fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among students. Additionally, sports week also serves as a platform for students to develop their leadership and organizational skills, as they work together to plan and coordinate various events. Overall, sports week plays a crucial role in the overall development of students and helps to create a well-rounded educational experience.

Annual Day

Annual day celebrations will bring together students, teachers, staff and parents to celebrate the achievements of the school and its community. This will help strengthen relationships and foster a sense of belonging among all members of the school community. An annual day will also provide a platform for students to showcase their talents, such as music, dance, and theatrical performances. This can help to build confidence and self-esteem in students and demonstrate their abilities to others.

Parent/Teacher Meeting

Frequent parent teacher meetings will be held where educators will communicate with parents about a student’s academic performance, behavior, and overall development. These meetings provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the student’s strengths and weaknesses, set goals for the future, and work together to support the student’s learning. It’s important for parents to attend these meetings as they provide valuable information and insights into their child’s education. Additionally, these meetings can help establish strong partnerships between parents and teachers, which can have a positive impact on the student’s academic success.


Moments To Share

Contact Us

(0992) 638 961

Main Manshera Road, Main Mansehra Road, Mandian, Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa